The Castello area is one of the few genuine neighborhoods of Venice. In this area you will find some everyday scenes to paint and practice your plein air painting skills. You can paint the market stalls that set up every morning on Via Garibaldi, the vegetable barge on the canal at the end of the same street, and the avenue of trees through the Giardini (gardens) that lead to the embankment where you have open views of the lagoon.
When you are planning any painting, it is important to make sure you spend a lot of time getting the composition right before you put brush to canvas, or you are wasting your time. I am currently renting an apartment in the Castello area so I get a lot of opportunities to practice my compositions, such as in this painting I did of the vegetable barge owner and his customers who tend to stand around chatting for a long time which gives you plenty of chance to get them in place.
If you paint here you my find a few of the local "artists" will come and chat to you about your work, or theirs, but you will not be bothered by too many tourists since there is not much in this area of Venice to attract them.
Overall rating: ***
Aesthetics: *****
Accessibility: *****
Tranquility: ***
Variety: ****
Shade: ***
Map: Castello, Venezia, Italy
This location contributed by:
Barry John Raybould